What's in my travel bag?

It's almost time for me to jet set away to Tenerife with my family and I am so EXCITED! I love travelling, so much so I've already been looking for next summer! It's always been a goal of mine to travel write, being able to travel the world and write about it... yesss please.

So anyway, I thought I would share with you all what I take in my hand luggage/carry-on bag for plane rides. I find going to the airport and being on the plane one of the most exciting parts about going away, I'm such a travel nerd!

I often take a backpack with me as my travel bag because it's easy carry as it has two straps and its so convenient for space and fits underneath the seat in front of you.

Sometimes I take a bag but it often hurts my shoulder so much due to the weight... I'm most probably taking too many books and magazines haha.
These are quite small pockets at the side and I probably would put a bottle of water in the pocket but seeing as you cant take liquids through security there really isn't any point.

So first of all, this year I'm taking this backpack from Superdry, I got it at an outlet and I love the pattern on it. It has so many compartments which is handy for organising where I will be putting all my different on flight essentials and holiday bits.

This one is super handy because not only does it have one big compartment, but it also has two side compartments and a small compartment at the front where I can place my plane ticket and passport.

So the side pockets...

So instead in here I have a packet of tissues because my nose tends to get runny because of the coldness up in the sky.

In the other pocket I have hand sanitiser, the planes and surrounding areas of the airport are the most bacteria prone places, especially planes and their toilets. 

There must be so much bacteria around that it's nice to be able to use hand sanitiser to keep clean and not get poorly...

The front pocket...

In the front pocket I keep a few hair bobbles and my hairbrush. I basically do this because when travelling if my hair is getting on my nerves or I'm too hot I can quickly brush my hair back into a hair band.

My passport and boarding pass are also located in this pocket because I need quick and easy access to them, whilst checking in and whilst boarding the plane.

My purse is of course important and must be in the front pocket because again I need access to this at all times.

I'm not going to be able to shop till I drop in duty free if it's not quick to get to.

The main compartment...

This has everything in there that I will need, well mostly everything I need.

First, books. Summer holidays are not complete without at least two good books to read by the pool.

This year I'm going for these two because I've heard so many good things about them that I saved them for this trip.

I have also decided to bring my kindle this year because if I run out of books to read then I'll always have my Kindle to buy something else.

I also have a puzzle book so if I'm bored of reading and want to do something else then I have immediate access to a word search lol.
Of course, my phone and charger will be taken with me and with an added European adapter in case. My phone is essential, Apple music is going to get me through the flight.

Snacks are essential for flights. I can't go on a plane and not have something to snack on.

I love Pringles but the Asda ones are defo better. I love these Rhubarb and Custard sweets and anything sweet will be fab on flight.

I also really like something savoury too. I'm just greedy ooops.

I always take a notepad and pen with me wherever I go, I don't know if I'll need to write something down or if I decide to write about my day. It's just handy to have with me.

Sunglasses - No one can go on holiday without a good pair of sunnies. These are my favourites and have been for a good year and a half.

They are what I call my expensive pair because they cost me quite a bit and they were from Debenhams by an actual brand called Floozie and not from Primark.

I always take two or three pairs because I don't want to ruin my good pair. My reading glasses are also with my sunglasses because they're equally as important because his girl gets really bad headaches.

I've just my straw bag inside because I don't want it to get squished in my suitcase because I love it too much.

My Nintendo and charger are coming with me this year. I'm a sucker for Mario Bros and will forever play the games. It's something fun to do on the plane and I defo know I'll complete the whole game whilst on the flight there.

My headphones are the most important, well one of the most important. These are what I'm going to use to death to listen to music and watch Netflix series that I download. My Beats are my absolute favourite ones.

My makeup goes in my hand luggage bag as well. I used to always put it in my case because of liquid restrictions and the heaviness of it.
But last year when I went to New York my case got lost and I had to endure a no makeup holiday lol, never again.
This also includes my liquids bag where I put any makeup that may contain liquid and my toothpaste.

My camera comes with me in my hand luggage too. I would never trust it in my case. I love my camera and I take it to every holiday destination for them camera worthy shots.
If you want a post about my holiday photos let me know.

Inside Pocket...

Then lastly, on the inside of my bag I have a little pocket where I just put some face wipes to keep refreshed and some chewing gum in case my mouth feels like it needs a refresher.

I hope you enjoyed this little snippet, if you would like to see any other travel pieces let me know on here or on my socials.

I'm thinking of doing a piece on the places I would love to travel. What do you reckon?

Love always,
Chloe xx


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