New Years Resolutions:

Hey you lovely lot!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I hope you all had the best day on the 25th and got every present you wished for, and even eating all the goods... especially pigs in blankets.

I'm currently sat here writing this in my new teddy bedding and throw eating all the chocolate I can consume because I need to eat it before I start my diet on January first, we shall see how long that lasts.

I thought I'd make this post all about my new years resolutions, I have a few but not that many. I think every year I never keep to them and really I should. So this time I'm going to try to keep to them.

First of all, eat healthy and go to the gym more...

At the start of uni, I joined the gym and went at least twice a week and then came a week off where I went home and I never got back into it and I feel like I've gained so much weight. So in effect when I go back to uni I'm going to eat a lot more healthy and exercise again. It helps that my parents got me some nike gym clothes for Christmas which have already motivated me to go and I honestly can't wait.

I think my second resolution relates to the first, be more body confident...

I know that's easier said than done but honestly I feel like this will be something really difficult to stick too because more often than not I really do shame my own body but I want to change that. I want to look in the mirror and be happy with the girl I'm looking at.

Another one is to not care what others think about me...

For example the way people judge how I look and feel, that's really important for me to not listen to because I really think about what people say about me even when I feel good about myself. I need to care more about how I feel and look rather than listening to people who are mean and have nothing better to do with their time.

To take a step away from social media and my phone...

I think this is essential for me. I love social media but it has its negative effects on me; seeing images I don't want to see, people having negative personas and me wishing to look like a photoshopped image when in reality, I should be happy in my own skin. I also think this is important so I can spend more time with my family and friends and go to bed at the time I said I was, so scrolling on twitter and instagram needs to be cut down.

Lastly, to realise who my real friends are...

My whole life I've given people chance after chance and in the end I'm the one who ultimately gets hurt. In the new year, I need to look at the bigger picture and see who is genuinely there for me. The people who remember it is my birthday, the people who message and stick by me through thick and thin; my true friends know who they are and I now know too.

Do you guys have any new years resolutions? I would love to hear them :)
Leave a comment below... maybe I could make them one of mine too.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to the year and a lovely time celebrating with your loved ones!

Lots of love,
Chloe xx


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