
Showing posts from July, 2019

Lonely Planet - My Picture Bucket list:

If I had all the money in the world I would travel everywhere. But I don't so I guess a girl can dream haha. There are many places I wish I could go to. I have a bucket list that I so want to tick off. I have currently five ticked off already: America, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Amsterdam and Switzerland. In each place I've travelled around and really found the places I love. In America I have been to Florida, Orlando and I've been to New York. In Tenerife I have explored both the north and the south. I think I know Tenerife inside and out. Anyway, I always get side tracked, I have a huge passion for travel and like many of you know I aim to be a travel writer one day. So, as it's a passion of mine I started exploring the Lonely Planet more and I adore the site and all the materials they create. For this post, I've decided to explore their site and show you some pictures they have up on their socials and images that others have created too, just so we can all...