20 things I've learned in 20 years
Hey! I've seen so many bloggers do this recently when they reach their 20th birthday and I thought seeing as I am now 20 (I'm old haha) I would give it a go! It feels odd being 20, I remember when I turned 12 and my mum would say love how young you feel now, enjoy every moment, don't rush wanting to be an adult. I wish I listened to her if I'm honest. When I was younger I always wanted to be older but I'm now finding myself wanting to be younger all over again... I mean I am still in love with High School Musical, pizza and Roald Dahl books so I guess I'm still a child at heart! I spent my birthday with everyone I love with the added few missing but these guys made the evening of my birthday the best yet ❤️ But as a 20 year old it finally means a whole new year and a whole new decade in my life and it's pretty exciting! I can't wait to see where I will be in ten years time and how I will reflect on my twenties. As if I will be thirty i...