20 things I've learned in 20 years
I've seen so many bloggers do this recently when they reach their 20th birthday and I thought seeing as I am now 20 (I'm old haha) I would give it a go!
It feels odd being 20, I remember when I turned 12 and my mum would say love how young you feel now, enjoy every moment, don't rush wanting to be an adult. I wish I listened to her if I'm honest. When I was younger I always wanted to be older but I'm now finding myself wanting to be younger all over again... I mean I am still in love with High School Musical, pizza and Roald Dahl books so I guess I'm still a child at heart!
I spent my birthday with everyone I love with the added few missing but these guys made the evening of my birthday the best yet ❤️
But as a 20 year old it finally means a whole new year and a whole new decade in my life and it's pretty exciting! I can't wait to see where I will be in ten years time and how I will reflect on my twenties. As if I will be thirty in ten years... scary!
I follow a lovely girl on Instagram... @curiousjade and she inspired me to write this post after I saw hers on her blog. Definitely check her out!
So here are the 20 things I've learnt in the last 20 years. Some are silly and some are serious, I hope you enjoy!
1. Friends in life come and go but true friends will stick by your side forever.
2. You have to decide who truly supports you and those who are jealous of your successes... not everyone is on your side.
3. Music is everything - from silly songs like Baby Shark that gets stuck in your head all the way to Queen and Abba - music brings people together.
4. Live today like there is no tomorrow and appreciate your family no matter what - I've lost many people in my lifetime, people who I cherish with my whole heart and you just don't know when you'll lose them, so keep those you love close always.
5. Food is life.
6. You don't have to have a significant other to be happy - self care and self happiness is so important, you're going to be okay on your own.
7. Money can't buy you happiness but experiences can. Get on that plane, go on that night out, step out of your comfort zone as much as you can - you only live once.
8. Be comfortable in your body. I have spent the last fifteen years hating my body, my weight, my stretch marks when I should be embracing them because they are a part of who I am and I should be grateful that I have such a good life.
9. It is okay to have a bad day - my tutor at uni told me that your mood is like the weather - some days its blue skies and sunny and the next its raining, but behind all that rain you know the blue sky is still there - there are good days coming.
10. Time alone is the best kind of time. I love being surrounded by people but I also love having some free time to sit and be on my own. I get reading done, watch a series on Netflix or get some work done. Self care is so good.
11. Your parents are usually right. My mum is always telling me if she likes or dislikes someone and she's always giving me advice and sometimes I don't listen to her but I should because she can tell when someone doesn't have my best interest at heart and she's my biggest supporter so I always listen to her now because she knows me best.
12. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. You have to put yourself first before anyone else and doing what's best for you is sometimes the right thing to do.
13. Celebrate the little things.
14. You have to learn how to pick yourself back up. Life can be so crap, bad things happen, you go through break-ups, a family member passes away and its so vital that you're able to pick yourself back up and try to be happy.
15. Books are one of the best ways of learning/ enjoying life.
16. Keep a planner. I find this so important, as I've gotten older anyway. When life becomes busy you have to remember the people you're meeting and the places you need to be. A planner is a life saver.
17. Never apologise for who you are... if somebody doesn't like a trait of yours don't change, you are you and you matter to many people.
18. Stay humble - be kind to everyone even if they choose when they want to be kind to you. Nobody knows what someone is going through.
19. I still have plenty of things to learn and grow from in the next twenty years and life is always teaching us lessons and making us stronger.
What are some life lessons you've learnt? A new decade means a new start and I'm ready to see what the next ten years has in store for me. It's scary to think that in ten years I could be married with kids and have my dream career. We shall see!
I hope you enjoyed this little post.
Love always,
Chloe xx
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