
Showing posts from September, 2020

My Journey with Body Confidence

Hey everyone! How are you all? Life is a little weird for me at the moment. I started my third and final year at university this week and I just don't feel like I'm back... possibly because I'm living at home but it still feels odd. On todays post I wanted to talk about a huge aspect of my life that I don't share often with my readers.  Body Confidence. This is hard to talk about because for the last few months I've had little or no body confidence. To me that is perhaps because of Covid and the lockdown. Being stuck in the house for months didn't help me, I saw so many people on my social media going through glow ups; exercising, eating healthy and getting their ideal figure. For me though I went in the complete opposite direction.  Sometimes I can sit and eat just because the food is there, because I'm bored or because I am stressing. Literally throughout lockdown and summer all I thought was no one can see me. I'm chilling in the garden, lets eat rubb...

Goodbye to second year... hello to third year!

Hi everyone! How have you all been? Long time no see, Covid 19 has been a nightmare to say the least and life dramatically changed during the second year of uni but never the less, here I am! Second year ended back in June which is pretty late considering originally I should have finished at the start of May but life changed and all my university classes and exams were put online. Fast forward to now and I am about to start the final year of my journalism degree... it's rather scary that this time next year I will either be in employment or starting another journey in my career. University for me ended up being really successful during the pandemic because I smashed my exams getting two A's and a B and also passing my 80 words a minute shorthand exam. Along with lots of encouragement from my parents, especially my mum who continually put messages on the whiteboard in the kitchen. She's amazing! However, if I could change the circumstances and not let Covid happen I would ta...