My Journey with Body Confidence

Hey everyone!

How are you all? Life is a little weird for me at the moment. I started my third and final year at university this week and I just don't feel like I'm back... possibly because I'm living at home but it still feels odd.

On todays post I wanted to talk about a huge aspect of my life that I don't share often with my readers. 

Body Confidence.

This is hard to talk about because for the last few months I've had little or no body confidence. To me that is perhaps because of Covid and the lockdown. Being stuck in the house for months didn't help me, I saw so many people on my social media going through glow ups; exercising, eating healthy and getting their ideal figure. For me though I went in the complete opposite direction. 

Sometimes I can sit and eat just because the food is there, because I'm bored or because I am stressing. Literally throughout lockdown and summer all I thought was no one can see me. I'm chilling in the garden, lets eat rubbish and just love life but now summer is over and lockdown has eased and I'm back to seeing people in person... I feel rubbish!

During lockdown it was so easy for me to just not care and now I look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see.

All my life I've worried about my weight, about my appearance. I grew up on fad diets and feeling like I had to be a small girl. To be fair, this is probably the reason why I have such low body confidence because I always wanted to be someone else than myself. 

I always thought about the girl that was trapped inside my weight, I grew up being called fat and chubby and then I lost loads of weight in college and finally felt like the girl I've always dreamt to be but that didn't last.

It's a hard process wanting to be someone else, in terms of weight and appearance, but I truly lost the real passion and reason behind body confidence.

Body confidence is defined as "a person's perception of the aesthetics or sexual attractiveness of their own body. It involves how a person sees themself, compared to the standards that have been set by society."

Sitting back and thinking about my body image is something I always do because to me it is so prevalent in my life. 

But recently, I've come to terms with the idea that if people don't like my weight or the way I look, then they should definitely not have a place in my life.

I do love who I am. I shouldn't sit and feel like my weight is the only aspect of me. I work hard, I care for every person who comes into my life and I should take my own advice.

I am surrounded by the kindest people. I have the most amazing family and friends, who do not care about my weight or the way I look. My mum is always telling me I'm beautiful inside and out.

I reward myself on my work ethic but I should also reward my body for all the amazing things it can do. I am a woman; My body is strong and powerful. So why don't I feel like that too?

I sit here now and think that there is more to life than the size of my a*** and hips! There is more to life than sitting and hating what I see because I can make a difference, I can be whatever I want to be with just a bit more confidence.

We are all beautiful in our own ways, this is not in anyway a way to get attention or seek peoples approval. I just wanted to share my experience with body confidence and how I lost it during lockdown and how I've struggled during my life.

I've decided to look past the size number in clothes because lets be real not all brands meet the same size standards and I've decided to just feel happy being me because I do have lots to offer, even if I'm just that bit bigger than others!

At the end of the day it's about being proud of who you are and what you can achieve. You are you, you're an individual and you're so different to every other person on this planet because none of us are the same. Be proud of who you are and what you can achieve. 

I believe in you!

I'm here if anyone needs a chat,

Love Always,

Chloe xxx


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