Finding motivation during a pandemic...
Hey all, I hope you're all keeping safe and healthy. I thought I'd do a little post about life during this pandemic. Keeping your mental health positive and having productivity is a whole lot harder during this time and it can often feel like we're all spiralling into an unproductive and sad time. But that's okay. Feeling unproductive, unmotivated and somewhat down is okay. You can't sit and have a good day everyday. We're in the middle of a pandemic and while we all want to carry on as normal it is extremely difficult when we can no longer leave our homes. I've sat here for the last week and on and off felt so unproductive, sad and down and somewhat feeling like I am not doing enough work. But again, it's okay because I know that really I have tonnes of work to do and as long as I do some each day and have some small successes all is good. When you think about it, you are being productive everyday even if it is the smallest of...