Year one at uni is... done!

Hey! I've not been on here for about a week and I think a well needed update post about my life at the minute is needed...

So year one at university is finally over and of course I have absolutely loved it but it's been one hell of a long and busy year, both emotionally and academically. 

I've had so many assignments, exams, essays, open exams, more assignments and even going out and learning skills I've never attempted before all in one year and let me tell you it's been tiring. 

At the start of the uni year I found it hard to be away from home and away from my family, every now and then I'd stay away from home for a couple of weeks and after a while I realised that I'm not the type of person who can stay away from home, being able to go home on Friday and go back to uni on a Monday night was exactly what I needed. 

I'm a very home kind of girl and being able to head home on the train and spend my time with my parents and get a hug from my mum is what I needed. This doesn't say that the work load was any easier, I spent most of my time out of the lecture theatres and seminars, studying for the exams, interviewing people for assignments and also learning shorthand which although I've loved every minute of it, it has been a whole new kind of skill which in all honesty I'd say I've grasped it really well. 
Another area that I had to learn to adapt to was living with people I don't know, this was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I've always lived with the same people; my mum, dad and my sisters until of course they moved out. I've had an upbringing where we clean up after ourselves and mum has always made the house a really nice place to be in, clean surroundings, and I think that's because she likes to live in a clean and happy place, which of course I have adapted from her. 

So, moving to uni where people don't clean up after themselves and the kitchen bin rarely get changed and food is on the sides, this was a HUGE change for me which I rather struggled with. One roommate flooded the flat which ruined my possessions that were on the floor and party after party was a little too much for me, but I soon got used to it and I have matured very much and have realised that actually not everyone is the same as me...

This year my uncle passed away from cancer and it was such a hard time for me and my family, it's always hard to come to terms with losing someone you really love and although, I lost him I know he's right beside me every step of the way. Uni was difficult for a while after he passed but I carried on and worked hard because I know that's what he would have wanted. I'm so glad I got to see him before he died, those last memories will live on for a lifetime. 

On to the course though, I have enjoyed every minute and have grasped journalism rather well seeing as it was only my first year and there is still so much left to learn. Assignments were one of my favourite areas of the course. I got to go out and interview people on the streets and also interview about real stories that I found myself and it really makes you feel a sense of accomplishment. Law was challenging but I grasped it and came out with a grade that I worked hard for and I'm proud... one step closer to that gold standard degree.

Also, shorthand. If you ever get the opportunity to do shorthand, do it. It is so worth it and I feel like it makes it so easy to write down notes now rather than having to write in longhand. The speed can be challenging, but hopefully I'll have my 100 words a minute in year two which is a huge achievement.

Making friends. I have made friends with some really lovely people this year, especially my two girls; Kate and Fatima. They have made uni so enjoyable and to work on journalism with them makes the experience so much more enjoyable, going out for tea and gossiping whilst having sleepovers is just what I needed when I was having a hard time. Georgia one of my flatmates has been a great friend too, spending countless hours gossiping in the kitchen whilst having tea, memories I'll cherish forever. 

I recommend uni to anyone and everyone and if you choose to go you'll love it... I'm so glad I got the courage, I was always an education lover and uni was always a plan for me and this year has had so many highs but so many lows too. I've learnt that nerves are a sucker for me and I sometimes can't handle it but I've also grown so much in confidence and will happily embarrass myself in public with a little boogy on the dance floor... it's about stepping out of your comfort zone.

If I can, so can you.

Choose a course that's for you, something you love and are interested in and take the leap... you'll love it!

Love you always,

Chloe xx


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