How I cut down on screen time...

I spend so much time scrolling. As soon as I wake up I scroll, when I'm eating I scroll, when I get in bed I scroll and even when I'm studying or watching tv I scroll. I have a serious problem with spending countless hours wasting my time on my phone, laptop and tablet. 

Apple has a feature called Screen Time and it's made me realise how much time I genuinely waste on my phone! It tells you exactly what you go on and how many hours you go on your phone daily. It is a really good new edition to the iPhone but it also shows me the brutal reality of how many hours I waste playing on Coin Master!

In the last week I have spent 39 hours and 26 minutes on my phone... that's scary. The main apps I go on are all the social medias, so Facebook, the gram and Snapchat and for someone trying to not make myself feel bad by looking at models I've looked at my socials for 19 hours and 57 mins in the last week. That is ridiculous...

On average I spend 5 hours and forty minutes a day on my phone and I've come to the realisation that I go on my phone for no reason at all. My average phone pick ups a day are 176. I know I'm different than the average person because I have my Instagram and blog to keep up to date for you guys but the sad truth is spending five hours a day looking at my phone is ridiculous when really I could be out with my boyfriend, or my friends and family having a great time!

So something has to change.

Cutting down on screen time is now one of my main priorities. 

How am I going to cut down? 

First of all, I've looked at all the time I spend on each application and decided to only use them for a smaller amount of time. So Coin Master, instead of wasting my time attacking my boyfriend's village in revenge, I will use that time to read or study. I've also decided to cut down the amount of time I spend on socials. A maximum of an hour a day rather than 2 hours per application!

I've also given myself time slots, when I have an hour break for lunch I don't want to spend each second on my phone. To have a catch up with my friends and eat good food. Also I want to have a cut off point for me time, I talk to my boyfriend but by ten pm I want to be off my phone, blue lights in the screen keep your mind awake for longer... I'll use this time to read or listen to music. No screens or phones, just a good ol' reading book.

What this app has taught me is how easy it is to pick up your phone and mindlessly scroll. It's taught me too many hours in a day are wasted without me even realising. 

I can achieve my goals and tasks for the day more efficiently if I cut down on the amount of time I pick up my devices. 

If there is one thing you take away from this post... take a look at your screen time in the settings of your phone. See how many hours you waste scrolling, look at it daily and weekly and see where your time is going. I've wasted so many precious hours on my phone. If I can reduce my amount of screen time, so can you!

Are you up for the challenge?

Love you always,

Chloe xx


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