A week in the life of a Uni student!

Heyy, how are you?

I've not posted in a while, as I said in my previous post I've been going through a tough time, which isn't any excuse but I've been keeping busy and getting on with uni. However, I'm back!

This week's blog post is all about the last week of my life, all the things I have been up too, all the exciting adventures I've been on. just a general chat and catch up.

So, first of all most of the last week has been consumed by uni and lectures and lots of work to complete. In three weeks time I sit my media law exam and in just over two weeks I complete my shorthand exam, scary times and this year has flown by! But yes, lots of revision and homework and so so many assignments that are happening all at the same time. 

I've also spent every weekend at home to be with my family. Which I wouldn't do often because normally I would spend every other weekend at my flat to get work done, but its almost the end of the year. I want to see my mum and dad as much as possible. Also my nephews are growing up way too fast, both of my sisters had babies around December and January time and its so so exciting but gosh they're growing, so every little cuddle counts. 

Also, a fun part of my weekend was when my Westlife tickets came for their concert in May. It's going to be amazing!

Also this week I had an exciting Tuesday full of activities for my course. We did court reporting outside Preston Crown Court and it was such a fun time with my friends. I like being in front of the camera, just not sure if I want to do piece to camera for news yet... we shall see. We also had a go at making a podcast, if anyone would like to listen to what we get up to, let me know in the comments if you'll listen. 

I've being eating so much healthier this week and got so much more confident just from doing it. My summer body won't be here if I don't work for it. I have 107 days till my holiday to Tenerife and I can't wait, I'm so excited.

All together, this week has been okay. I'm doing well in shorthand and my other subjects which is a relief, but hardcore revision is my life for the next three weeks! My boy leaves tomorrow to go on a trip to Berlin with his boys... so excited for him but sad times for me, wish I could go away and travel.

Hope you're all having the most amazing week, let me know what you're getting up too!

Love you always,

Chloe xx


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