How to deal with: Exam Stress

Hey guys and gals, I hope you're all doing well.

Todays blog post is a little topic all about exam stress. Exam season is approaching rather quickly and I thought I'd share some tips on how to stay chilled out and relaxed whilst still being prepared to smash your exams.

I often struggle in exam situations, I always get very nervous and my heart feels like its poking out my chest, but I've had a think about it and really my nerves are only there because I want to do well and not because I don't know the answers. Before you head to your exams always make sure you drink plenty of water and you eat breakfast if it is a morning exam or lunch if it in the afternoon. This is honestly such an important factor as to why many people feel sick when they go into their exam, not only will it stop the sicky feeling but also, food makes the brain work!

Next I would say, don't stress yourself out by revising the night before an exam. This is one that has been passed down to me by my parents. There is no point sitting and revising the night before the exam because what you don't know by that point won't stick in your head. Revise in advance, you will smash the exams if you put some effort in. 

This then leads on to to the idea that you can then relax the night before. Maybe listen to some calming music, have a bath or read a book. Just make sure you feel ready and pampered.

You also don't want to feel tired and worn out on the day of your exam so plenty of rest is an essential!

Another main tip is that you feel confident before you go in. Whether the exam questions are awful or not, you've worked extremely hard all year to get to where you are now. Feel confident that you know what you're talking about. 

Lastly, TRY YOUR BEST! No one can have a go at your grades as long as you tried your best and also don't punish yourself if you can't answer one question. You've tried really hard and should be really proud of yourself when you come out of that exam!

I hope these kinda help you. I should really listen to my own advice and feel more confident when it comes to exams, but of course, all anyone can do is try their best.

I hope you're all having a lovely Friday,

Lots of love,

Chloe x


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