The Little Princess Trust: My haircut:
As many of you know, I recently had my hair cut short. I wouldn't say it is a bob but for what I'm used to, it is quite short for me haha.
I went for the chop a few weeks back and decided to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust as I had about 12 inches cut. Rather than wasting it and throwing it away I thought it would be a great idea to pass it on to the charity so that a wig can be made from my hair.
The Little Princess Trust is a charity who create wigs from donated real hair to give to children and young people with hair loss and they also raise money to fund vital research into childhood cancer.
They offer wigs to anyone up to the age of 24 who has lost their hair due to cancer or other conditions that cause hair loss.
I personally think this charity is amazing for what they do and how they help children feel confident again when they have lost their hair.
This is one of the main reasons why I decided to help out the charity by giving them my locks when I no longer needed them.
Here are a few before and after shots of my hair and also an image of the hair that was cut off and will be donated through the post to The Little Princess Trust:
If you are thinking of having your hair cut, go for it! The charity asks for hair over 7 inches as they can then create a nice length on the wigs, but any amount of hair helps and its for such a great cause!
I am so glad that I cut my hair not only because I love how my hair looks and feels but also because I have been able to help someone in need. I adore helping and fundraising for charity and just doing such a small thing like having my hair cut can help one to five different young people who need it.
Anyway, I hope you liked this very different post, I just wanted to express how proud I am that I've donated my hair but also let you know that you can help out too!
Love always,
Chloe xx
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